Problem Theorist: Smart or Not Smart 2021

Problem Theorist: Smart or Not Smart, is a Mystery Series into the future, People, animals, earth, and more Unknown things. In this series we will explore the depths of the Universe and what secrets it holds to all our unknown answers.


'Kadoorat' is a 2013 Pakistani mystery drama television series produced by Momina Duraid, and directed by Aabis Raza. Kadoorat premiered on Hum TV on July 17, 2013.

호러 딜리버리 서비스 2016

"Horror Delivery Service" is a mini-thriller. Once in a while, everyone has eerie imaginations about things that could happen in familiar settings -- a family apartment, on an elevator, on the way home from class and by the relaxing river. In each stand-alone episode, those imaginations are turned into urban tales that shatter the peace and normality of everyday life.

I Am Innocent 2015

Exploring some of New Zealand's most famous cases of people being wrongly convicted of heinous crimes. Made with the support of NZ on Air.


"J8DED" is and American Internet based episodic series. It was available for viewing online, via paid website subscription, from December 9, 2010 through approximately November 1, 2011. Four episodes were produced.

The Fire Raiser 1986

A five part series about a group of children who set out to uncover an arsonist who is destroying their small New Zealand town.