Něco je ve vzduchu 1981

The urn supposedly containing the remains of Alice's grandfather falls out of the window and breaks. To Alice's great surprise, the urn is empty and the girl learns that the grandfather didn't die but disappeared under mysterious circumstances on the 2nd September 1946 in the town of Telc. Her grandmother claims that a mysterious young man with dark glasses was implicated in her husband disappearance. Alice is determined to solve the mystery. Grandmother's story leads Alice to a shoemaker who hands her Professor Jeník's - her grandfather's - invention, called the Force-fields Accelerator. Alice tells her boyfriend Petr about the device and the young man creates a time machine following the professor's instructions. The young couple then travel back to 1946 and there they indeed meet Alice's grandfather, and his daughter Blanka, who will later be Alice's mother.

Berlin Wall: The Night the Iron Curtain Closed 2014

In August, 1961 three million Berliners woke up to discover their world had been thrown into chaos. In total secrecy a 28-mile ring of steel had been erected in the dead of night, forming a barrier between east and west Berlin and tearing the city in two. This new and exclusive film tells the incredible story of how that night of 13th August unfolded, and traces the events leading up to the partition of this historic European city. Using eyewitness reports and letters from the families and soldiers that lived through the nightmare, the film also uses East German sources and archive footage taken from the 12 hours leading up to the erection of the wall. The Night The Iron Curtain Closed provides a chilling account of how, overnight, a new country was born, an old country was cut in half and how the Berlin Wall heralded the birth of the Cold War.

When the Wind Rises 2023

At a fishing village, plans for the expansion of a nearby oil refinery cause a big stir, triggering a three-way power struggle between an old protester, villagers, and factory representatives.