Semi-private sub-Hegelian Panty Fantasy (with sound) 2001

A philosophical dream narrative, structured around conceptions and representations of the reversibility and irreversibility of time and desire. The title is more or less exact. Several layers of Freudian fun, from exploding/imploding houses, to collapsing walls that re-erect themselves, to the dead Lenin, lying for his film portrait. As a Lacanian once said: he does not have the phallus: he is the phallus. Historical psychological fun for the whole family. “Everyone over ninety in the company of both parents admitted free.” (UbuWeb)

The Gospel of Mark presented by Concordia Seminary 2015

For decades, scholars have increasingly placed The Gospel of Mark in an oral context, believing it to be a written document intended to be read aloud to an audience. Concordia Seminary’s dramatic presentation of The Gospel of Mark is not simply a recitation of the text, nor is it a play based upon it. Instead, you will hear the text of Mark come alive as never before in an interpretation of the way in which it might have impacted those who first received it.

Cartoons in a Seminary 1915

Laura tells her companions at Miss Syntax's seminary that Jim, her sweetheart, is to visit her that afternoon. Shortly afterward, Jim climbs the fence surrounding the school playground, and after greeting the them girls, shows a copy of the "Grouch Chaser." The girls get a great laugh out of "Silas Bunkum's Boarders Picnic" in which Silas, his wife and their three guests spend a lively day in the country.

The Virgin of the Seminole 1923

The film focused on a young black man who joins the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and becomes a hero by rescuing a captive mixed-race woman from a hostile American Indian tribe. The young man later purchases a ranch that becomes the foundation for great financial wealth.


A young boy, who lives by the streets and is passionate about music, dreams about expressing yourself and playing in big stages - but his reality isn't as colorful as his dreams.

The Semi-Circular Canals 1975

The title of The Semi-Circular Canals refers to the portion of the human ear that regulates balance. Viola constructed a platform on which he and the recording equipment counterbalanced one another, while freely suspended from a large tree. The artist appears to be sitting calmly at the center of the universe as the earth rotates. He writes, "The tape was inspired by NASA films and develops references to cosmological cycles, with the individual at the rotational center of their universe."

Questioning Faith: Confessions of a Seminarian 2002

When Macky Alston's fellow seminarian, Alan Smith, died of AIDS, Alston had a crisis of faith that caused him to make this documentary. Alston sought out Smith's partner and family and tried to answer the question "Why does God permit such senseless tragedies?"

Semiramide - Bayerische Staatsoper 2017

Queen Semiramide is haunted by the ghosts of her past. Together with her lover Assur, she once murdered her husband King Nino; a deed which ever since has weighed heavily upon her. With her marriage to Arsace, she hopes her soul will at last find solace. Her love, however, is misplaced. Arsace not only loves another, he is also, as is later revealed, the son Semiramide and Nino believed to be dead. He is faced with a decision: should he avenge the death of his father – and thus become his mother's killer?

Seminarista 2011

A young Colombian conservative seminarist struggles to choose between his faith and his sexuality after he has a steamy encounter with a flamboyant free-spirited guy during a trip to the US.

W. Kamau Bell: Semi-Prominent Negro 2016

Comedy special featuring socio-political comedian W. Kamau Bell, who brings his characteristically biting and hilarious take on the real issues of contemporary America from gentrification to raising his family in a post-Obama nation.

Rugby League Cup Semi-Final Hull vs. Huddersfield 1935

A train crammed with Rugby League supporters pulls into Leeds station. Hull are playing Huddersfield in the Rugby League Cup Semi-Final of 1935. The teams, looking lighter and nimbler than their present day counterparts, run onto the pitch. Headingley is so packed that the game is stopped while some of the crowd spills over the terraces. Vast swathes of men in flat caps watch the action as one penalty kick from Hull goes straight between the posts, while another just misses.