
Through a bold examination of a porn genre rife with choking, slapping, degradation, and sexual assault fantasies, Hardcore spotlights porn producers and performers as they speak with jaw-dropping honesty about the cost of creating rape scenes, packaged for the pleasure of the masses. While society is immersed in an ocean of free porn, producers have taken drastic measures to keep profits flowing, embracing the creation of unapologetically violent content. But behind the veil of consent, the female performers lured into participating in these scenes are often inflicted with grave physical and psychological trauma. Through a bold examination of a genre rife with choking, slapping, degradation, and sexual assault fantasies, Hardcore spotlights porn producers and performers as they speak with jaw-dropping honesty about what it takes to create violent scenes—including rape—packaged for the pleasure of the masses.
Title Hardcore
Genres Documentary
Release Date 2023-03-23
Episode Runtime 00 Hours 00 Minutes
Season Number 1
Episode Number 3
Production Companies Magic Lantern Pictures


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